/ Services

A. Sunday liturgy (worship) 7:30-11:00


B. Wednesday: call-in prayer in English 6:00-6:45

You can join us by calling:

Phone: 848-777-1500 (Free)

Access Code: 12301230#


C. Friday: Disciples of St. Stephen (DSS) – 5:00-8:00

This program is designed to teach the boys and girls of various ages the Qdassie (the liturgy) so that they grow up actively participating in the worship service of church. They are also taught how to read Ge’ez, the liturgical language of our church. Since the Ge’ez alphabet is the same as it is for Tigrinya and Amharic, the lesson they receive helps them for the latter two spoken languages.


D. Saturday: St. Demiana Sisterhood. 10:00

This is a virtual program designed to create fellowship among our girls and mothers of the church while at the same time learning the Qdassie (the liturgy). They also have devotionals together for their spiritual growth.


E. Giving Back:

This is an academic tutorial program to help our boys and girls in their academics. It is in the process of being built. 

Holy Trinity Eritrean Orthodox Church in Cincinnati, Ohio
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